Welcome to our musical sample page.Each sample
is a short section from one of our recordings. All rights are reserved by
the Bach Children's Chorus*. Here is a short sample from The Star-Spangled
Banner, Francis Scott Key, 1814, arr.�1997, Karla Krogstad. We sang it
along with "O, Canada" in to open a pro baseball game in Philadelphia, we sang
it in Baltimore, we sound terrific! Star-Spangled Banner (approx. 260k sound
file in .WAV format) Next we have 2 songs from our CD release, "Christmas
from Many Lands" An arrangement of A La Ru by
Paul Stuart A La Ru (approx. 180k sound file) And
here is an old Russian folk song about a small pine tree and the joy it brings
to children as a Christmas tree, arr. by Karla Krogstad Yolachka (approx. 280k sound file) The
samples are in ".WAV" file format and your computer must have a working multimedia
sound system to hear them. If your browser doesn't automatically start downloading/playing
the tune: For Windows 95 users, right click and use "open this file" to try
to play it or "save as" to save to disk. Then after downloading the file you can
play it using a .WAV player. or you may have the Windows Media PLayer, in which
case you can set it for "Music" (not "radio" to hear the sound
Get the BCC CDs
The Chorus can be heard
on Sampler Records' release Joy of Angels, a
collection of Shaker spirituals for Christmas and the New
Year. The BCC's compact disk "Christmas from Many Lands"
is also available. For more information please contact our
CD Distribution Coordinator: June Santinti at (585) 582-3082
or JuneSantini@rochester.rr.com.
For more information about Bach Children's Chorus, please call
the Director, Karla Krogstad at 442-0800 or the Business Manager,
June Santini at 582-3082.
* formerly known as the Eastman Bach Children's Chorus