10/27 - Weekly Memo

Dear Families,
  • Next week—is repertoire workshop.  Times are: 9:00-10:20, 10:30– 11:50, 1:30-2:50.  Please choose one to attend.
  • Trip:  Trip registrations are due this week (10/28) at large group. There will be a box in the hallway to deposit your forms into.  Each person will need a form.  Please clip forms for your group together and attach a check.  Note at the top of the form any special requests for rooming, i.e. looking to share a room with another family, willing to chaperone, please share room with the Smith family, etc.
  • The possible January concert was not confirmed.  It will not be necessary for the kids to learn the two German pieces at the end of the Oct. cd.  Thanks for your understanding.
  • Parent steering committee meeting:  is today (10/28) at. at 9:45.  Each family must attend at least one per year.  You only have six chances left! 
  • Chicken BBQ: thanks to everyone for supporting the bbq, either by volunteering or by buying chicken!  The weather will not be great, so we need everyone’s support in order to not get stuck with leftover chicken.
  • Major schedule change!!!—On Monday December 4th, we will be taping “Sounds of the Season: at WROC Channel 8 (201 Humboldt St, near Culver) instead of having Messiah rehearsal.  We will arrive at the studio at 6:30 for 7:00 taping.  We will be singing Dormi Dormi and Maoz Tsur for this event.  Concert uniform required.
  • Nutcracker tickets:  vouchers will be handed out soon for two tickets per chorister.  Vouchers must be redeemed at the RPO box office on East Ave.  Choristers need a ticket to see the second half of the show.
  • Nutcracker—Requests for excusal from specific performances are due to Mrs. Lyubomirsky by Oct. 28th.  All choristers will be scheduled for five performances. Please try to be as flexible as possible, for instance, do not ask for a specific performance off unless you have no other choice.  Choristers are welcome to do all six.  Please let June know if you would like to do all six. 
  • Nutcracker gifts—At the Sunday night cast party, all choristers receive a thank you gift.  First choice is given to those choristers who have sung in all six performances, then five, then four and so on.  We need some help this year in procuring the Nutcracker/holiday themed gifts.  Please consider purchasing and donating one or two gifts for the raffle.  These can be brought to any rehearsal between now and Nov 19th or brought directly to the Eastman school during Nutcracker.
·          Attendance—please direct all requests for excused absences to Mary Lyubomirsky (LYUBYS@rochester.rr.com) or 385.1848
Karla & June   
Practice tip of the week: For week of Oct 29- Nov. 4
1.      It is time to finish up the words to Les Anges and Noel Nouvelet. 
Dates to Remember:
November 4     Repertoire Workshop
November 11   Small Group (test on: Noel Nouvelet, Schafe, Beau Soir, Les Anges, Maoz Tsur
November 18   Large group rehearsal. Mandatory for Nutcracker Performance.
November 22   Nutcracker dress rehearsal—Mandatory for new choristers
Nov. 24-26      Nutcracker
December 2     Large Group
December 4    
wroc taping 7:00 pm This is a change!!!
December 6     Messiah Rehearsal Hochstein School of Music
December 9     Messiah Dress Rehearsal  St. Paul’s Episcopal Church:  Mandatory
December 10   Messiah.  Arrive at Hochstein at 2pm for 3 pm performance
December 14   Bethany Presbyterian rehearsal 6:45 rehearsal Mandatory.
December 15   Carols by Candlelight, Bethany Presbyterian 6:30 arrival for 7:30 concert
December 17   Cloverwood  3:15 arrival for 4:00 pm performance  Pizza  and pool party to follow,  Done by 6:30.

10/20 - Weekly Memo

Dear Families,
  • Next week—is large group rehearsal.  Please be in your seats by 9:25.  Chaperones should arrive at 9:15 to set up chairs. We will have a Halloween party at rehearsal; we will end a few minutes early for the party, which will go until 11:45.  Feel free to wear your costumes!
  • Reminders for Les Anges: The children are to learn the first verse in French as written, second verse children don’t sing, third verse in English (Come to Bethlehem&hellipWinking and fourth verse in French.
  • Trip:  Trip registrations are due next week at large group. There will be a box in the hallway to deposit your forms into.  Each person going on the trip will need a form.  Please clip forms for your group together and attach a check.  Note at the top of the form any special requests for rooming, i.e. looking to share a room with another family, willing to chaperone, please share room with the Smith family, etc.
  • Parent steering committee meeting:  is next Sat. at 9:45.  Each family must attend at least one per year.  You only have six chances left!  Please see the minutes from the last meeting at the end of this memo.
  • Chicken BBQ:  Next Sat is our 1st annual chicken bbq fundraiser for the trip.  We are in need of volunteers for the later shifts:  2:00- 4:00 and clean-up.  Please contact Sue Knight at 624-4767 to volunteer.  You won’t benefit if you don’t participate!  Please consider purchasing your lunch after large group next week from the BBQ. Price is $8.50 and includes ½ chicken, salt potatoes, mac salad, roll and butter.
  • Major schedule change!!!—On Monday December 4th, we will be taping “Sounds of the Season: at WROC Channel 8 (201 Humboldt St, near Culver) instead of having Messiah rehearsal.  We will arrive at the studio at 6:30 for 7:00 taping.  We will be singing Dormi Dormi and Maoz Tsur for this event.  Concert uniform required.
  • Nutcracker—Requests for excusal from specific performances are due to Mrs. Lyubomirsky by Oct. 28th.  All choristers will be scheduled for five performances. Please try to be as flexible as possible, for instance, do not ask for a specific performance off unless you have no other choice.  Choristers are welcome to do all six.  Please let June know if you would like to do all six.  Vouchers for two tickets per chorister will be distributed in your folders soon.  These are good for any tickets and must be redeemed in person at the RPO box office.
  • Nutcracker gifts—At the Sunday night cast party, all choristers receive a thank you gift.  First choice is given to those choristers who have sung in all six performances, then five, then four and so on.  We need some help this year in procuring the Nutcracker/holiday themed gifts.  Please consider purchasing and donating one or two gifts for the raffle.  These can be brought to any rehearsal between now and Nov 19th or brought directly to the Eastman school during Nutcracker.
·          Attendance—please direct all requests for excused absences to Mary Lyubomirsky (LYUBYS@rochester.rr.com) or 385.1848
Karla & June   
Practice tip of the week: For week of Oct 21- 28
1.      To help memorize the words to Maoz Tsur and Dormi Dormi, try writing them out or typing them.
Dates to Remember:
October 28      Large Group (1
st trip payment/registration due)
November 4     Repertoire Workshop
November 11   Small Group (test on: Noel Nouvelet, Schafe, Beau Soir, Les Anges, Maoz Tsur
November 18   Large group rehearsal. Mandatory for Nutcracker Performance.
November 22   Nutcracker dress rehearsal—Mandatory for new choristers
Nov. 24-26      Nutcracker
December 2     Large Group
December 4    
wroc taping 7:00 pm This is a change!!!
December 6     Messiah Rehearsal Hochstein School of Music
December 9     Messiah Dress Rehearsal  St. Paul’s Episcopal Church:  Mandatory
December 10   Messiah.  Arrive at Hochstein at 2pm for 3 pm performance
December 14   Bethany Presbyterian rehearsal
December 15   Carols by Candlelight, Bethany Presbyterian
December 17   Cloverwood  3:15 arrival for 4:00 pm performance  Pizza  and pool party to follow,  Done by 6:30.
Minutes- Parent Steering Committee Meeting
              September 30, 2006
1.  Manager's Report-  Karla is pleased with how things are progressing so far this year.
2.  Fundraising Report-  Approval was received from the board to use funds raised to offset trip expenses or be used toward period costumes for Williamsburg.  Options presented were:
        -raffle- June offered to set up publicity and buy tickets.  Type of raffles discussed:
                -money as the prize
                -get a donated item to raffle
        -pie & cookie dough sale
        -chicken barbeque with a 50/50 drawing
         Janet Perregaux & Sue Knight to check out places &  dates.  Possible venues include United Church of Pittsford and Mendon Fire Hall.
June stated that the board is handling a lot of fundraising (i.e. $ for $ match) this year.
3.  Gala-  date set of 4/28/07.  Doris Ludek & Anne Schiro committee chairs.  Possible venues discussed include Nazareth Schultz Center or   the Pittsford Presbyterian Church.  Schultz center would require a caterer and we could prepare our own food at the church.  Dady Brothers will be asked to perform.  There was discussion about having a silent auction vs. live auction, or possibly a combination of both.  Last year the gala raised $4600.  Ticket price for gala covers the cost of food & gala costs while the auction raises the money used toward the operating expenses of the chorus.
Questions & Discussion
1.  "Tip of the Week" is for the following week.
2.  On test days, kids get nervous.  Parents should help them prepare.  Tests often include reciting the words to the foreign language songs.
3.  Make Up tests will be held during the Nutcracker.

BCC Reminders

This week is small group rehearsal.
We are still in need of some volunteers for the chicken bbq.  We especially need volunteers for the shift from 2:00 – 4:00 pm.  Remember, your child’s trip account will be credited by an amount equally divided among all the chorus family participants.  This could result in a significant savings on the cost of the tri, but you won’t get credit if you don’t volunteer!!!!
Please contact Sue Knight at 624-4767 to volunteer.

BCC Chicken BBQ Oct 28th

The chorus is will be holding a chicken BBQ fundraiser at Nazareth on Oct. 28th.  The proceeds from this event will be used to possibly buy costumes for the Williamsburg trip for the choristers.  The remaining money (or all of it, if we cannot make the costumes work) will offset the trip costs for the chorister of those families who participate in the execution of the bbq plan.    You can volunteer in these ways:
  • volunteer to work a shift at the BBQ (2 hour shifts 11:30 -2 and 2-4),
  • volunteer for the set-up crew ( 10:30 – 11:30) or clean-up ( 4:00- 5:00)
  • Make and put up posters in the Pittsford community or tack up flyers at Nazareth in all of the buildings
  • Donate the use of your pop up shelter (with sides) or tables (need to deliver to Nazareth on Oct. 28th by 10:30)
The BBQ will be held in the parking lot near the main entrance near Casa Hispania on Oct 28th after large group that day.  If you are not planning on going on the trip please consider supporting us by buying your lunch after large group!
Please call or email Sue Knight dknight5@rochester.rr.com or 624-4767 to volunteer.  The proceeds will not offset the cost of your chorister’s trip unless you participate!
Thanks to Sue Knight for coordinating this and to Meg Godly for her assistance!

10/14 - Weekly Memo

Dear Families,
  • Next week—is small group rehearsal
  • Sheet music for “Les Anges’ is being distributed today.  This music must be returned to the chorus in January.  The children are to learn the first verse in French as written, second verse children don’t sing, third verse in English (Come to Bethlehem&hellipWinking and fourth verse in French.
  • Major schedule change!!!—On Monday December 4th, we will be taping “Sounds of the Season: at WROC Channel 8 instead of having Messiah rehearsal.  We will arrive at the studio at 6:30 for 7:00 taping.  We will be singing Dormi Dormi and Maoz Tsur for this event.  Concert uniform required.
  • Entertainment books:  congratulations to Jenna D’Angelo for earning first place by selling.31 books.  Katie Larkin earned second placed with 30 books and Briannamarie Burrhus earned third place with 25 books sold.  Thanks to these ladies for their hard work and determination!  Thanks to everyone who participated!  We still have some books left if you need or want one. 
  • Nutcracker—Requests for excusal from specific performances are due to Mrs. Lyubomirsky by Oct. 28th.  All choristers will be scheduled for five performances. Please try to be as flexible as possible, for instance, do not ask for a specific performance off unless you have no other choice.  Choristers are welcome to do all six.  Please let June know if you would like to do all six. 
  • Nutcracker gifts—At the Sunday night cast party, all choristers receive a thank you gift.  First choice is given to those choristers who have sung in all six performances, the five, then four and so on.  We need some help this year in procuring the Nutcracker/holiday themed gifts.  Please consider purchasing and donating one or two gifts for the raffle.  These can be brought to any rehearsal between now and Nov 19th or brought directly to the Eastman school during Nutcracker.
  • Practice coach:  Each chorister needs to have one adult to serve as their practice coach.  Coaches ensure that practice time is adhered to, works with the child to help them memorize the words to the songs and quizzes them to make sure that they have mastered the words.  Having a coach is crucial to your child’s success.  They can’t do it without you.  A coach should ideally be the same person every time.  It is recommended that your child listen to their music 20-30 minutes a day and pick one song a day to work on memorizing the words.
  • Annual Fall Giving Campaign:  Our annual fund drive kicks of Oct 1st. This year, an anonymous donor has pledged $2500.00 in matching funds.  That means that when you give a dollar, your dollar is doubled.  Please help us maintain our great program by making a gift today.  Look for more info and a pledge form in the upcoming newsletter.
·          Attendance—please direct all requests for excused absences to Mary Lyubomirsky (LYUBYS@rochester.rr.com) or 385.1848
Karla & June   
Practice tip of the week: For week of Oct 15- 21
            By now the September cd should be pretty well finished
1.      Focus of the Oct cd should be in the order that music will be performed in:
2.      Nutcracker
3.      Maoz Tsur and Dormi Dormi for Channel 8
4.      Messiah
5.      Bethany Presbyterian
a.      Noel Nouvelet
b.      Les Anges
c.       O Holy Night
d.      Dormi Dormi
6.      Cloverwood
a.      Schafe
b.      Selections to be determined later, but will be chosen from the current cds.
October 21      Small Group
October 28      Large Group (1
st trip payment/registration due)
November 4     Repertoire Workshop
November 11   Small Group (test on Messiah, Noel Nouvelet, Schafe, Beau Soir, Les Anges, some of these are on the next cd
November 18   Large group rehearsal. Mandatory for Nutcracker Performance.
November 22   Nutcracker dress rehearsal—Mandatory for new choristers
Nov. 24-26      Nutcracker
December 2     Large Group
December 4    
wroc taping 7:00 pm This is a change!!!
December 6     Messiah Rehearsal Hochstein School of Music
December 9     Messiah Dress Rehearsal  St. Paul’s Episcopal Church:  Mandatory
December 10   Messiah.  Arrive at Hochstein at 2pm for 3 pm performance
December 14   Bethany Presbyterian rehearsal
December 15   Carols by Candlelight, Bethany Presbyterian
December 17   Cloverwood  3:15 arrival for 4:00 pm performance  Pizza  and pool party to follow,  Done by 6:30.

10/6 Weekly Memo

Dear Families,
Next week—is repertoire workshop.  Students must attend one session of their choice.  Please see the schedule for times
New cds are being distributed today.  Please concentrate on the Holiday music first.  There are two tracks which are optional:  they are for a possible concert in January.  This concert will be by audition only.  First year choristers should master the rest of the music on the cd before starting work on these pieces, but feel free to listen for familiarity.
Nutcracker—Requests for excusal from specific performances are due to Mrs. Lyubomirsky by Oct. 28th.  All choristers will be scheduled for five performances. Please try to be as flexible as possible, for instance, do not ask for a specific performance off unless you have no other choice.  Choristers are welcome to do all six.  Please let June know if you would like to do all six. 
Nutcracker gifts—At the Sunday night cast party, all choristers receive a thank you gift.  First choice is given to those choristers who have sung in all six performances, the five, then four and so on.  We need some help this year in procuring the Nutcracker/holiday themed gifts.  Please consider purchasing and donating one or two gifts for the raffle.  These can be brought to any rehearsal between now and Nov 19th or brought directly to the Eastman school during Nutcracker.
Last week’s cd—Please check the letter on the cd itself to make sure that you received the correct cd.  There may have been a mix-up
Practice coach:  Each chorister needs to have one adult to serve as their practice coach.  Coaches ensure that practice time is adhered to, works with the child to help them memorize the words to the songs and quizzes them to make sure that they have mastered the words.  Having a coach is crucial to your child’s success.  They can’t do it without you.  A coach should ideally be the same person every time.  It is recommended that your child listen to their music 20-30 minutes a day and pick one song a day to work on memorizing the words.
Annual Fall Giving Campaign:  Our annual fund drive kicks of Oct 1st. This year, an anonymous donor has pledged $2500.00 in matching funds.  That means that when you give a dollar, your dollar is doubled.  Please help us maintain our great program by making a gift today.  Look for more info and a pledge form in the upcoming newsletter.
Attendance—please direct all requests for excused absences to Mary Lyubomirsky (LYUBYS@rochester.rr.com) or 385.1848
Karla & June   
Practice tip of the week:
            Listen to your cd 30 minutes a day.  Mark the French words to Les Anges.  Memorize two lines of Les Anges per day.
Upcoming dates to remember:
October 14      Repertoire Workshop
October 21      Small Group
October 28      Large Group (1
st trip payment/registration due)
November 4     Repertoire Workshop
November 11   Small Group (test on Messiah, Noel Nouvelet, Schafe, Beau Soir, Les Anges, some of these are on the next cd
November 18   Large group rehearsal. Mandatory for Nutcracker Performance.
November 22   Nutcracker dress rehearsal—Mandatory for new choristers
Nov. 24-26      Nutcracker
December 2     Large Group
December 4     Messiah Rehearsal St. Paul’s Church Episcopal Church
December 6     Messiah Rehearsal Hochstein School of Music
December 9     Messiah Dress Rehearsal  St. Paul’s Episcopal Church  Mandatory
December 10   Messiah.  Arrive at Hochstein at 2pm for 3 pm performance
December 14   Bethany Presbyterian rehearsal
December 15   Carols by Candlelight, Bethany Presbyterian
December 17   Cloverwood  3:15 arrival for 4:00 pm performance  Pizza  and pool party to follow,  Done by 6:30.